Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The ultra-wealthy need to pay back the US government

The rich would not have their billions if it were not for the government. Ever hear of the Manhattan Project or the TVA or DARPA or the Apollo Project or GPS or satellites or cell phones or the Internet or biotech? Who do you think paid for those things that helped billionaires become rich? The US government! We now need to invest in energy not based on fossil fuels. The US government is good at that type of research. We also need to invest in science, education, infrastructure, and reducing health care costs. It is called investment in our future. It gives us jobs that are better than working at McDonalds.

The rich folks can afford it, they have done so in the past. The people against raising taxes on that portion of income above one million dollars per year have been brainwashed by lobbyists.

The Republicans would like to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, government safety regulations, keep healthcare in the hands of corporations that raise rates 20% a year, keep us addicted to fossil fuels, and make us pay for military projects not even the Pentagon wants.

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