Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is Big Brother watching?

A cell phone that is turned off can still be tracked. To keep from being tracked you have to remove the battery. And since it in not easy to do that with iPhones, the cell phone Faraday cage is a reasonable item.

The NSA requires that cell phone manufacturers allow communications to be easily intercepted by them. They also restrict the type of encryption allowed. People don't talk a lot about what the NSA does, but they monitor a lot more communications than many people realize. You hear the term "chatter" from time to time. Do you wonder where they find this chatter?

For those of you who live in California, the next time you are on a highway take a good look at what is on top of poles, I am often surprised at how many people don't even notice them. They are cameras, a whole lot of them, operated by CHP. They do a good job of pinpointing vehicles of interest -- they have been used to pinpoint criminals. Here is a quote: "The possibilities are endless in terms of what we can do with this," said Sgt. Troy Rivers of the California Highway Patrol. "The only limitations to the technology are the limitations we place on it ourselves."

Private security analysts -- people without warrants -- can intercept emails. I have heard of people who abuse this ability for personal gain.

Most people know that their emails are definitely not private at work and neither are your phone calls.

Google Reliability Engineers have access to your gmail accounts and to what you have been googling. There have been abuses there too.

There have been cases where schools give free laptops to their students, laptops with cameras. Individuals who work for the school have had the ability to turn on the cameras and monitor the students. Individuals have abused this ability is some disturbing ways.

None of this is secret. But not everyone knows this stuff. It is not paranoid to think that big brother might be watching, listening, or tracking. It doesn't bother me that much, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of this information.

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